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Radojunkie's Rep Ya Country Collection! - Phase 1

Andre Simon

23 Jul 2022

Where do I start?

Hey Everyone!

So last week you may have read the news. I'm bringing the Rep Ya Country Collection back for you all.

With that being said, I need everyone's help.

In the past, I have done 40+ countries. This is not an update to say that I am not aiming to connect with even more countries through this collection but to let you all know that I am going to have to do a slow rollout.

My plan would be to start with having the 6 countries I am associated with the most make an appearance on my website first.

These countries will be: Grenada / Jamaica / Portugal / Spain / Nigeria / Ghana.

All other countries will be released as the demand for them reach me.

Dual/Multi heritage will be available but through request only.

Here is an example of how they will look on a t-shirt;



More updates coming soon.

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